Aim: The study aims to identify the spatial diversity and possible concentrations of the 207 rural and semiurban municipalities of the Wielkopolskie voivodeship (Poland) regarding their level of socio-economic development. Methodology: Measuring the local development requires the use of several variables due to its multidimensional character. The Hellwig development measure was used, which is one of methods of multidimensional analysis. The LAU-2 administrative units were ranked according to the level of socio-economic development. The research period covers the years 2004–2020, i.e. from the year of Poland’s accession to the European Union until the end of the previous financial perspective. The variables used in the study concerned the main spheres of local development: demography, social activity, labour market, infrastructure, entrepreneurship, and local finance. Results: Rankings constructed for 3 periods – 2004, 2012 and 2020 – made it possible to observe the improvement in the level of development of municipalities surrounding the main city of the Wielkopolskie voivodeship, Poznań, whereas municipalities located peripherally in the eastern part of the voivodeship were characterised by a low or very low socio-economic development level. Conclusions:A positive impact of the city on the surrounding rural area can be noticed, complementing its functions by locating enterprises in areas with lower rents and taxes as well as settling people commuting to the city every day to work. On the other hand, peripheral municipalities were characterised by some undiscovered or unexploited development potential, including tourist attractions.
Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW Press
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2 articles.