The Digital Revolution in Qualitative Research: Working with Digital Audio Data through Atlas. Ti


Gibson Will1,Callery Peter2,Campbell Malcolm2,Hall Andy2,Richards Dave3


1. The University of London, Institute of Education;

2. University of Manchester;

3. University of York


Modern versions of Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) are enabling the analysis of audio sound files instead of relying solely on text-based analysis. Along with other developments in computer technologies such as the proliferation of digital recording devices and the potential for using streamed media in online academic publication, this innovation is increasing the possibilities of systematically using media-rich, naturalistic data in place of transcribed ‘de-naturalised’ forms. This paper reports on a project assessing online learning materials that used Atlas.ti software to analyse sound files, and it describes the problems faced in gathering, analysing and using this data for report writing. It concludes that there are still serious barriers to the full and effective integration of audio data into qualitative research: the absence of ‘industry standard’ recording technology, the underdevelopment of audio interfaces in Atlas.ti (as a key CAQDAS package), and the conventional approach to data use in many online publication formats all place serious restrictions on the integrated use of this data. Nonetheless, it is argued here that there are clear benefits in pushing for resolutions to these problems as the use of this naturalistic data through digital formats may help qualitative researchers to overcome some long-standing methodological issues: in particular, the ability to overcome the reliance on data transcription rather than ‘natural’ data, and the possibility of implementing research reports that facilitate a more transparent use of ‘reusable’ data, are both real possibilities when using these digital technologies, which could substantially change the shape of qualitative research practice.


SAGE Publications


Sociology and Political Science

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