Aim: In our study, it was aimed to examine the sociodemographic characteristics, symptoms, psychiatric disorders of children and adolescents who applied for the first time to a university hospital child and adolescent psychiatry outpatient clinic.
Material and Methods: The files of 724 children and adolescents who applied to our outpatient clinic were reviewed retrospectively. 211 patients evaluated for the first time in our outpatient clinic were included in the study. Sociodemographic characteristics, first admission complaints, psychiatric diagnoses and treatments of the patients were evaluated.
Results: The mean age of the patients included in the study were 9.90±4.07 years. It was determined that 117 (55.5%) of the patients had a previous psychiatric diagnosis. The most common complaints at presentation were attention deficit/hyperactivity (45%), irritability (20.4%), and fear-anxiety (15.2%). It was determined that 191 (90.5%) of the patients had at least one psychiatric disorders and 49 (23.2%) had at least two psychiatric disorders. The most common psychiatric disorders were ADHD (54.9%), AD (20.4%), BD (10.4%) and MDD (8.3%). It was determined that 46% of the patients received psychiatric treatment, and methylphenidate (62.9%) was the most common use.
Conclusion: In our study, the most common complaint of the patients was attention deficit/hyperactivity, and the most common diagnosis was ADHD. Our results are similar to other studies. The presence of comorbidity increases the severity of the disorders and causes serious deterioration in psychosocial functionality. Diagnoses between genders and comorbidities should be carefully evaluated in patients applying to child and adolescent psychiatry.
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Duzce Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Enstitusu Dergisi
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