1. Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry NAS of Belarus, Minsk
Objective: to analyze the effect of candesartan cilexetil and resveratrol of different dosages and combinations on the molecular and biological parameters of cell culture from bone marrow of mice and cytogenetic parameters of peripheral blood of the animals after physical activity. Material and methods. The cell culture from the bone marrow of C57Bl/6, Balb/C and ICR mice was used for the experiment. We analyzed the number of stem cells with CD117+ phenotype and the molecular and biological parameters (flow cytometry). The statistical processing of the data was performed using «Excel» and «Statistica», 6.0. Results. It was shown that the combined application of candesartan cilexetil and resveratrol increased the number of stem cells with CD117+ and had a stimulating effect on the proliferative processes in vitro and in vivo .
Gomel State Medical University