
Kalinin A. L.1,Tsitko E. V.2,Snitsarenko E. N.2,Hvatik T. V.2


1. Gomel State Medical University

2. Republican Research Centre for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology


Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the most common causes of the increased contents of serum enzymes in chronic liver diseases. Its incidence rate is associated with the ongoing epidemics of obesity and diabetes of type 2. This multifaceted metabolic disorder is commonly encountered in clinical practice of various health care professionals ranging from primary care providers and gastroenterologists to cardiologists, radiologists and gynecologists. NAFLD comprises a spectrum of liver diseases from simple steatosis to full blown steatohepatitis that is characterized by steatosis, lobular inflammation, ballooning and fibrosis. Over the last several years, much progress has been made in terms of our understanding of its risk factors, pathogenesis, natural history, non-invasive markers and treatment. This review is tailored to clinicians caring for patients with NAFLD and it covers practical issues related to the certain aspects of its evaluation and management.


Gomel State Medical University

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