
Skuratov A. G.1,Lyzikov A. N.1,Voropayev E. V.1,Achinovich S. L.2,Osipov B. B.2


1. Gomel State Medical University

2. Gomel Regional Oncological Clinic


Objective: to perfect in experiment models of acute and chronic toxic injuries of liver, to evaluate possibilities of their application to study the processes of liver regeneration and its correction. Materials and methods: white male rats Vistar; intraperitoneal injection of 50 % solution of carbon tetrachloride made on olive oil; intragastric introduction of acetaminophen; morphological and morphometrical methods. Results. The models of toxic hepatitis and hepatic cirrhosis were received in experiment. Hepatic cirrhosis is postnecrotic and mainly multilobular. Conclusion. The carbon tetrachloride model of toxic hepatitis and cirrhosis can be used for reproduction of this pathology in experiment. However it is not optimal as the sensitivity of rats to carbon tetrachloride differs and the changes in liver have reversible character after the preparation cancellation.


Gomel State Medical University

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