1. Republican Research Center for Pediatric Oncology and Hematology
The assessment of antitumor activity of cytotoxic lymphocytes is an important indicator of their functional status in cellular immunotherapy. Testing of CD107a marker expression by the method of flow cytofluorimetry has been widely lately used for these purposes. The research that we carried out to determine the antitumor activity of mononuclear lymphocytes in peripheral blood including those stimulated by interleukine-2 showed that incubation of mononuclear lymphocytes in peripheral blood in the presence of К-562 tumor line was conducive to the reliable increase in rates of natural killer and killer-like cells expressing CD107a. A straight correlation between CD107a+killer cells percentage and the number of the dead targets in the test with the use of CFSE fluorescent label was detected. The assessment method of CD107a expression makes it possible to measure the cytotoxic activity in a cell in a concrete population of effectory cells and may be used alongside with standard methods for target-cell lysis.
Gomel State Medical University