1. Gomel State Medical University
Objective. To identify the predictors of the development of hepatorenal syndrome in patients with liver cirrhosis.Materials and methods. We analyzed the medical records of 79 patients diagnosed with liver cirrhosis. The laboratory research included general and biochemical blood tests. The general blood test measured erythrocyte and leukocyte counts. The biochemical blood test measured the content of ALT (U/L), AST (E/L), total bilirubin (μmol/L), direct bilirubin (μmol/L), indirect bilirubin (μmol/L), alkaline phosphatase (U/L), albumin (g/L), urea (mmol/L), creatinine (mmol/L), cholesterol (mmol/L).Viral hepatitis markers were determined for all the patients.Results. The predictors of the development of hepatorenal syndrome were identified: increased leukocyte count, increased total and indirect bilirubin levels, urea level and decreased erythrocyte count and albumin level. The most specific predictors were the amount of indirect bilirubin (98 %) and the content of albumin in the serum (89.8 %), and the most sensitive predictors were AST (96.7 %) and the content of red blood cells and creatinine (73.3 %).Conclusion. The most significant predictors of the development obtained will contribute to the diagnosis of the development of hepatorenal syndrome in patients with liver cirrhosis.
Gomel State Medical University