Assessment of the health status of conscripts


Chernov D. A.1ORCID


1. Gomel State Medical University


Object: to determine the development of researches in the world literature on the problem of conscripts health status assesment and to form a direction for further improvement in the interests of the medical service of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.Materials. Original publications and literature reviews containing information on the health status and morbidity of conscripts were studied and analyzed.Results. The most important aspects concerning the possibilities of using the assessment of the health status of conscripts are highlighted.Conclusion. The presented analysis of scientific publications on the morbidity of conscripts in the world and in the Republic of Belarus reflects the need for the development of theoretical and applied developments dedicated to the generalized (integral) assessment of the health status of this contingent in order to improve the system of medical support of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.


Gomel State Medical University

Reference46 articles.

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