Stylohyoid syndrome in the practice of doctors of various specialties


Yadchanka U. N.1ORCID,Yadchenko E. S.1ORCID,Pohodenko-Chudakova I. O.2ORCID,Bakanov P. P.3ORCID


1. Gomel State Medical University

2. Belorussian State Medical University

3. Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital


Objective. Based on the analysis of the data presented in the literature and own clinical observation, to develop an understanding of the frequency of occurrence and clinical signs of a fairly rare pathology – stylohyoid syndrome. Consider the peculiarities of the pathological process and give recommendations for working with patients of this category.Materials and methods. The material for the analysis was the data of studies by domestic and foreign authors concerning etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of stylohyoid syndrome published over the last 40 years. A descriptive method was used in the study. The article presents our own clinical observation and uses data from the medical record of an inpatient with verified “stylohyoid syndrome”.Results. The stylohyoid syndrome occurs in 4.0-10.3% of people who report constant pain in the pharynx, oral cavity, face and neck, dysphagia, hearing loss, limited mobility of the head, vegetative disorders. It has been determined that a set of clinical and radiation data is required for the diagnosis of the stylohyoid syndrome, the most significant of which are: abnormal length of the stylod process, a significant angle of its deviation, which leads to pain due to the pressure of the latter on the surrounding anatomical formations. The main method of treatment is surgical.Conclusion. The results of the study have an applied component: they indicate the necessity to perform radial examination, to consult related specialists for differential diagnostics in persons with suspected stylohyoid syndrome and contain an organizational and tactical element: they determine surgical treatment as the main method of specialized care for this category of patients.


Gomel State Medical University


General Medicine

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