1. Gomel State Medical University
Bacterial infections considerably complicate of cirrhosis current, are principal causes of death of such patients. As a rule, infectious complications develop at persons with decompensated cirrhosis. In the medical literature the term «spontaneous bacterial peritonitis» at cirrhosis is often mentioned. This typical infectious complication of cirrhosis about in 25 % of cases is a cause of death of patients. It is connected with absence of the clinically apparent signs. Nonspecific symptoms - abdominal pain, fever, leukocytosis, increase of hepatic encephalopathy. SBP may be asymptomatic or there may be minor symptoms only. Late diagnosis of this complication explains high lethality at SBP. The basic method of diagnostics of SBP- analysis of ascitic fluid. The manual count of polymorphonuclear neutrophils by the traditional hematological method is laborious and, in many instances subjective. In the literature there are developed new methods of diagnostics of SBP. They allow to accelerate search of infectious process. The diagnosis timely improves the prognosis of patients with SBP.
Gomel State Medical University