1. Gomel State Medical University
2. Mogilev Regional Hospital
The purpose of this article is to consider options of treatment ofacute urinary retention (AUR) in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). We examined and treated 80 BPH patients with AUR and without it in their pastmedical history. The patients were divided into two homogeneous groups of 40 people: group I did not have AUR in their history andgroup II did. Group II consisted of two subgroups: a) having undergone conservative treatment; b) having undergone surgical treatment (cystostomy). Subgroup II-B also included those patients who refused to undergo the second stage of the surgery or had any contraindications tothe operation. However, even the presence ofcystostomic drainage does not exclude the option of drug therapy for restoration of the natural urinary outflow. Therefore, forehanded and reasonable BPH treatment makes it possible to minimize the risks of acute unirary retention for BPH patients.
Gomel State Medical University
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