Using autologous red bone marrow aspirates for acceleration of wound healing


Fedzianin S. D.1ORCID


1. Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University


Objectives: to develop a method for management of chronic wounds based on the use of autologous red bone marrow aspirates.Material and methods. A randomized study of the second phase of the wound healing process was conducted in 72 patients with chronic wounds. The standard methods were used to assess the dynamics of the wound healing process.Results. The rate of the wound healing process in the main group was Me 6.0 (LQ 5.0; UQ 35.0) % per day, and in the control group — 3.0 (LQ 3.0; UQ 28.0) % per day, which was authentically twice as high in the use of autologous red bone marrow aspirates (p = 0.00036). The duration of the phase of granulation tissue formation and maturation in the main group was Me 5.0 (LQ 3.0; UQ 7.0) days, and in the control group — Me 12.0 (LQ 9.0; UQ 15.0) (p < 0.00001).Conclusion. The developed method of wound healing acceleration is characterized by its technical simplicity, convenience and cheapness. Its use makes it possible with high fidelity to reduce the duration of the second phase of the wound healing process by 7 days and leads to a two-fold increase in the healing rate of wound defects.


Gomel State Medical University

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