Effectiveness of leukotriene receptor antagonists in the treatment for atopic pathology in children


Zariankina A. I.1ORCID,Mirrakhimova M. Kh.2ORCID,Shamsieva E. R.2ORCID


1. Gomel State Medical University

2. Tashkent Medical Academy


Objective: to study the effectiveness of leukotriene receptor antagonists in the treatment foratopic pathology in children.Material and methods. 224 children with allergic diseases were prescribed to take montelucast for 3– 6 months.Results. Taking montelucast has lead to positive clinical dynamics in 75 % of the cases.A significant reduction of the eosinophil count was achieved on days 10–15 of the therapy. The Cys-LTC4/D4/E4 indices came to normal after a one-month course of montelucast therapy in 40.3 % of cases in children with bronchial asthma, in 63.3 % of cases in children with allergic rhinitis and in 60.5 % of cases in children with atopic dermatitis.Conclusions. The use of montelucast has significantly enhanced the control incidencerate ofallergic diseases in children.


Gomel State Medical University

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