Analysis of kidney transplant ultrasound data analysis in the post-transplant period


Ananchenko O. I.1ORCID,Zharikova A. O.1ORCID,Zhdanovich V. N.1ORCID


1. Gomel State Medical University


Objective. To analyze the data of ultrasound examination of the kidney transplant in patients with a favorable outcome of transplantation.Materials and methods. The analysis of 32 images and protocols of ultrasound diagnostics of a kidney transplant (16 men and 16 women), implemented on the 1st day after kidney transplantation, as well as 3 months after the intervention in 2017-2020, was carried out.Results. It was found that for a satisfactory course of the post-transplant period with renal allotransplant, an increase in the volume of kidney transplant was characteristic in men of the first and second periods of maturity – by 1.12 times, in elderly men – by 1.24 times, in women of the first period of maturity – by 1, 07 times, the second period – 1.17 times, in elderly women - 1.25 times. Analysis of parenchyma perfusion by energy Doppler mapping in all studied groups was interpreted as good or satisfactory, which characterized the favorable course of the post-transplant period.Conclusion. Monitoring of morphometric and hemorheological parameters of a kidney transplant for 3 months and their comparative analysis on the 1st and 90th day reflects a positive dynamic of the kidney transplant function. The study of the morphometric and hemodynamic parameters of the kidney transplant makes it possible to objectively assess the functional state of the kidney transplant in dynamic in order to timely identify various complications in the post-transplant period.


Gomel State Medical University

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