Spatial differentiation of daily commuting to work in Slovakia by modes of transport


Gábor Štefan,Pregi Loránt


Commuting to work is one of the most important forms of spatial mobility of the population. The mode of transport is one of its key characteristics. However, its spa-tial variability has so far been little explored, which is also due to the lack of reliable sta-tistical data. The census in Slovakia in 2021 addressed this issue, offering an opportunity to examine the use of individual modes of transport at various spatial levels, and in relation to the characteristics of commuters. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to evaluate the spatial differentiation of intra-municipal and inter-municipal daily commuting to work according to the main mode of transport used, and in relation to the age of the commuters. The basic spatial framework of the study is the system of functional urban regions in Slovakia. By applying statistical methods and cartographic visualization, the results demonstrating the spatial variability in the mode of transport were achieved. Regularities were also iden-tified in relation to various age categories of commuters. In addition, the study indicated a significant influence of the social-economic conditions and orography of specific territo-ries on the preference for commuting mode. The results have the potential to contribute to more effective spatial planning or investments in various forms of transport infrastruc-ture. At the same time, it is an initial study that encourages the examination of spatial pat-terns and forms of daily commuting in relation to other characteristics of commuters or geographical characteristics of the affected areas. The knowledge from this study is par-tially transferable to countries where similar statistical data are not available. URL:


Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice

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