Parents’s knowledge and awareness about hepatitis B can influence the vaccination of their children


Chhavi Nanda,Srivastava Geetika,Waseem Mariya,Yadav Abhishek,Singh Surender,Singh Rajani,Goel Amit


BACKGROUND Birth-dose (Hep-BD) followed by three additional doses (Hep-B3) of hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccine are key to eliminating HBV by 2030. Unfortunately, Hep-BD and Hep-B3 coverage in our country is poor. AIM To studied the parent’s knowledge and awareness about HBV infection, its prevention, consequences and vaccination. METHODS Parents of 6 months to 8 years old children were interviewed to assess their knowledge & awareness about hepatitis B, its transmission, prevention, illness caused by this, and vaccination. Eighteen close-ended questions were administered, and responses were recorded as ‘yes’, ‘no’, or ‘not sure’. HBV knowledge score was calculated based on the sum of correct answers. Each correct response scored one point and incorrect, missing or ‘not sure’ responses received no points. Categorical data are presented as number (%) and numerical data are expressed as median. Data were compared using Chi2 tests and level of significance was kept as P < 0.05. RESULTS Parents (58.3% mothers) of 384 children (89.9% age < 5 years; 82% age-appropriately vaccinated) were included. Three hundred and twenty-two (83.9%) children were Hep-B3 vaccinated. 94.3%, 87.5%, and 29.2% parents knew about polio, tetanus, and hepatitis B vaccine. Overall, 41.2%, 15.8%, and 23% parents knew about hepatitis B transmission, consequences of infection, and prevention respectively. Only 7.6% parents knew about three-dose schedule of hepatitis B vaccination. Only 23% parents believed that vaccine could prevent HBV, 15.7% knew that HBV affects liver. Parents of Hep-B3 vaccinated children were significantly more aware about HBV than the parents of unvaccinated children (P < 0.05 for 17/18 questions). CONCLUSION The knowledge and awareness among the parents about hepatitis B is poor. The Increasing knowledge/awareness about HBV among parents may improve Hep-B3 vaccination coverage.


Baishideng Publishing Group Inc.

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