1. Brit;FOSTER, J.O.H.N.Trans Ofihthal Soc U.K.; Vol;LIII,1936
2. MOHAMED SOBHY BEY.-Brit. JI. of Oththal., Vol. XVI, p. 65, 1932.
3. TRANTAS.-Arch. d'ophtal., Vol. XLVI, 1929. TRAQUAIR, H. M.-Brit. Med. Ji., Nov. 16. p. 933, 1935.
4. VOGT, A.-Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenheilk., Vol. LXXV, 1925; Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenheilk., Vol. LXXXIX, Chapters 48 and 59, 1932.
5. IN 1932 a committee presided over by Lord Linlithgow and the Voluntary Hospitals Commission unanimously agreed " that the time has come to recognise the claim of visiting medical staffs to some share in the moneys raised for the treatment of patients in hospitals other than those provided by voluntary subscription or donation for the treatment of free patients