1. Aspiration biopsy of salivary gland tumors I. Correlation of cytologic reports from 652 aspiration biopsies with clinical and histological findings;Mavec, P.; Eneroth, C.-M.; Franzen, S.; Moberger, G.; ZajicekJ;Acta Otolaryngol Stokh,1964
2. Aspiration biopsy of salivary gland tumors II. Morphologic studies on smears and histologic sections from oncocytic tumors (45 cases of papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum and 4 cases of oncoctyoma);Eneroth, C.-M.; Zajicek, J.;Acta Cytol,1965
3. Aspiration biopsy of salivary gland tumors Im. Morphologic smears and histologic sections from 368 mixed tumors;Eneroth, C.-M.; Zajicek, J.;Acta Cytol,1966
4. Aspiration biopsy of salivary gland tumors IV. Morphologic studies on smears and histologic sections from 45 cases of adenoid cystic cacinoma;Eneroth, C.-M.; Zajicek, J.;Acta Cytol,1969
5. Aspiration biopsy of salivary gland tumors V. Morphologic investigations on smears and histologic sections of acinic cell carcinoma;Eneroth, C.-M.; Zajicek, J.;Acta Radiol Stokh,1971