1. The effect of strenuous physical exercise on circulating blood lymphocytes and serumcortisol levels;Roberston, A.J.; Ramesar, K.C.R.B.; Potts, R.C.;J ClinLab Immunol,1981
2. Ul=rasud training for medical pracnnoners,1987
3. Stability and inactivation of HTLV-III/LAV under of a Valsalva manoeuvre during echocardiographic examination to detect paradoxical embolism.' It knowing that gender is primarily a grammatical term. clinical and laboratory environments. JAMA 1986; 255: is important for the referring physician to request Using it to mean the sex ofa person is accepted as only colloquial or jocular. Has it now come to mean sex pure and simple (if such there be)? So far as I can make out from your columns, not. Sex can be said to have four aspects in the individual person: chromosomal, hormonal, anatomical, and psycho-;Resnick, L.; Veren, K.; Salahuddin, S.Z.; Tondream, S.; Markham, P.D.
4. Disinfection and inactivation of the human T lymphotropic viwus type III/ lymphadenopathy associated with virus;Martin, L.S.; McDougal, J.S.; Loskosk, S.L.;J InfectDis,1985
5. Inactivation of hepatitis B virus by intermediate to high level disinfectant bubble contrast studies during and after a Valsalva manoeuvre when referring a patient with ischaemic cerebrovascular disease for echocardiography because routine echocardiography does not include such manoeuvres and a negative result on echocardiographic examination without such additional manoeuvres really logical. Does "gender" cover the whole of this tetrad? chemicals;Bond, W.W.; Favero, M.S.; Petersen, N.J.; Ebert, J.W.,1985