1. Thiopentone as a factor in the production of liver by these authors seem not to support the present altered liver cell membrane antigens in children dysfunction. BrJAnaesth 1955; 27: 14-23. hypothesis.2 with fulminant liver failure may well offer the most Anaesthetists must be concerned with the specific pointer to this diagnosis yet. It is, theretotal risk to the patient.3 Thirteen professors of fore, unfortunate that no children were included in;Dundee, J.W.
2. Induction and recoverv characteristics of halothane and isoflurane anesthesia in children;Pandit, U.A.; Leach, A.B.; Steude, G.M.;Anesthesiology,1983
3. Enflurane in outanaesthesia have recently presented the case for not the control groups used in the validation of the patient paediatric dental anaesthesia;Hoyal, R.H.A.; Prys-Roberts, C.; Simpson, P.J.;Br J Anaesth; abandoning halothane.4Its properties areespecially desirable for inhalational induction of anaesthesia techniques and that Dr Kenna and coworkers fail to give quantitative results with statistical signifi- 52,1980
4. A trial of enflurane for paediatric outpatient anaesthesia;Steward, D.J.;CanAnaesth SocJ,1977
5. Halothane and the liver-a medical review. In: anaesthesia are available" that must be challenged 1209) present seven cases (one fatal) of halothane Bennetts FE, ed. Halothane and the liver: the problem revisited;Williams, R.,1986