Posterior circulation stroke: an easily overlooked complication of catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation


Nazir Tahir,Sharief Mohiuddin,Farthing James,Ahmed Irfan M


Catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF) has established itself as a safe and proven rhythm control strategy for selected patients with AF over the past decade. Thromboembolic complications of catheter ablation are becoming rare in anticoagulated patients with a risk of stroke reported as 0.3%. A particular challenge is posed by clinical presentation due to ischaemic stroke involving the posterior circulation following catheter ablation because of its substantial differences from the carotid territory stroke, making the timely diagnosis and treatment very difficult. It is crucial to keep an index of clinical suspicion in patients presenting with neurological deficits related to vertebrobasilar circulation following ablation. We describe the case of a man who presented with dizziness and palpitations after radiofrequency catheter ablation of AF. He was found to be in AF with a rapid ventricular response. His dizziness was initially attributed to the cardiac dysrhythmia. As his symptoms continued despite heart rate control, he underwent further investigations and was eventually diagnosed with a posterior circulation stroke resulting in left cerebellar infarction. He was treated with antiplatelet therapy and improved significantly over the following few days. We review and present an up-to-date brief literature review on the complications of catheter ablation of AF and describe pathophysiology, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment options for posterior circulation stroke after AF ablation. This case aims to raise awareness among clinicians about posterior circulation stroke after AF ablation.




General Medicine







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