A 34-year-old patient had her first trimester Down syndrome scan followed by serial ultrasound scans which showed a single intrauterine pregnancy with multiple cystic areas in the anterior placenta. She presented in preterm labour with a breech presentation at 32 weeks and underwent an emergency caesarean section. She delivered a male infant weighing 1750 g. The placental histopathology showed a complete hyatidiform mole. At 4 weeks postpartum, beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin (Bhcg) levels rose from 460 to 836 mIU/mL over 1 week. Metastatic workup revealed prominent pelvic nodes and pulmonary nodules in both lungs. This was discussed at the Multi-Disciplinary Tumour Board and single-agent intramuscular methotrexate was recommended. After chemotherapy, she achieved Bhcg normalisation after three cycles. This case highlights the importance of clinical vigilance even in low-risk patients. Unexpected findings on ultrasound should involve multidisciplinary input with radiology colleagues. A high index of suspicion for gestational trophoblastic disease and close follow-up is imperative.
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