The development and refinement of endoscopic stenting techniques in recent years have made endoscopic treatment an important part of palliative care for irresectable malignant disease in the gastrointestinal tract. We present the case of a 82-year-old man with biliary obstruction and duodenal stenosis on the basis of disseminated pancreatic cancer. He was bothered by jaundice and reduced oral intake. This is typically alleviated using stents; however, the placement of a duodenal stent can limit the possibility of subsequent placement of a biliary stent. This therapeutic challenge was solved using a combination of lumen-apposing metal stents (LAMS) and self-expanding uncovered metal stents (SEMS). LAMS is a relatively novel type of stent intended for endoscopic ultrasonography-guided placement. First, we placed a SEMS in the duodenum, a LAMS was subsequently placed through the mesh of the duodenal SEMS, alleviating the biliary system. The patient was able to resume oral intake and his jaundice subsided.
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