1. Report of the Dountzreav EDRP puiblic local inquirs relatin1g to the planninlg applicationi for the sitinlg of the Euiropeani deu, ionistration planit EDRP) for fast reactor fuel;Bell, A.G.,1986
2. Childhood leukaemia in northern Scotland;Heasman, M.A.; Urquhart, J.D.; Kemp, I.W.; Black, R.J.;Lanicet,1986
3. Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (COMARE). Second Report. In!estigationl of the possible in1creased incidenzce of leukaemtia inl y!oun1tg people nzear the Dounreav Nuiclear Establishienlt, Caithuiess, Scotlanid,1988
4. Incidence of leukaemia and other cancers in birth and school cohorts in the Dounreay area;Black, R.J.; Urquhart, J.D.; Kendrick, S.W.; Bunch, K.J.; Warner, J.; Adams Jones, D.;BMJ,1992
5. Case-control study of leukaemia and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in children in Caithness near the Dounreay nuclear installation;Urquhart, J.D.; Black, R.J.; Muirhead, M.J.;BMJ,1991