1. though that problem was nowhere near as great as that of other countries which had taken much less action, such as the U. K. The Norwegian Tobacco Act entered into force;DOLL, R.;British Medical Journal; promotion of tobacco products and introducing further regulations including the provision of health warnings and banning sales to children. Although it is still too early to be conclusive about whether the Norwegian measures will achieve their objectives, there have been some highly significant and beneficial developments. Most dramatic in terms of changing trends has been the effect on per capita tobacco consumption: this had been increasing steadily but in 1970, when the Norwegian measures were first announced, it levelled out. Before the Tobacco Act,1976
2. Coronary heart disease, stroke and aortic aneurysm. Factors in the etiology;HAMMOND, E.C.; GARFINKEL, L.;Archives of Environmental Health,1969
3. Smoking or Health. The choice is yours! World Health Feb-Mar 3;MAHLER, H.,1980
4. Smoking habits;LTD, N.O.P.M.A.R.K.E.T.R.E.S.E.A.R.C.H.,1981