Metallic foreign bodies (FBs) are a safety risk during MRI. Here, we describe a boy in early childhood with an unexpected ferromagnetic FB discovered during a research brain MRI. Safety precautions included written and oral safety screening checklists and visual check during a structured safety pause. During introduction to the scanner, he was lifted to look at the bore. Staff became aware of an object flying into the bore. The child reached for his ear, and a 5 mm diameter ball bearing was found in the bore. The child had no external injury. We have introduced a 0.1 T handheld magnet to check for metallic FBs not known to the parent. FBs are a common paediatric emergency department presentation, particularly in younger children or those with cognitive or behavioural problems. This case highlights the importance of safety screening in paediatric MRI scanning, along with its fallibility.
UK Dementia Research Institute
NHS Lothian Research and Development Office
Dunhill Medical Trust
Wellcome Trust
Edinburgh and Lothians Research Foundation
Medical Research Council
Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
University of Edinburgh
Muir Maxwell Trust