Apolipoprotein 1(APOL1) risk variants (G1 and G2) are associated with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) in patients of African ancestry. The prevalence ofAPOL1two risk variants is lower in Hispanics and very rare in European and Asian populations.APOL1two risk variants in donor kidneys is associated with recipient kidney graft loss, however the effect of recipient risk variant in the kidney transplant outcome is unclear. Here, we present a late adolescent male with FSGS and end stage renal disease with oneAPOL1risk variant (G2) who had immediate recurrence of FSGS in the post-KT period. There was an excellent response to few sessions of plasmapheresis and Rituximab with no further recurrence of FSGS in the 1 year follow-up period. It needs to be seen whether the recipientAPOL1single risk variant causes increased susceptibility to kidney graft loss on a long run via recurrent or de novo pathologies.