Hernandez Edrome Ferrer,Nicodemus Nemencio Almare
An adult male in his early 30s diagnosed with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A syndrome, confirmed through genetic testing, presented as bilateral pheochromocytoma in a metachronous fashion, primary hyperparathyroidism and medullary thyroid carcinoma. Left and right adrenalectomy was done 9 years and 3 years ago, respectively. He was also subjected to total thyroidectomy with neck dissection and left inferior parathyroidectomy. During surveillance monitoring, 24-hour total urine metanephrines were elevated 13.977 mg (Normal value 0–1 mg) 1 year after right adrenalectomy. Adrenal CT scan demonstrated a 2.1 cm ovoid focus in the right suprarenal region, and functional imaging (131I meta-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG scan) showed an avid uptake on the right frontal bone. Excision of the right adrenal bed and the right frontal bone tumour was performed, and metastatic pheochromocytoma was confirmed histologically. The patient achieved clinical and biochemical remission postoperatively and is currently receiving steroid and thyroxine replacement.