Abdelrahim Ahmed,Yusuf Yusuf,Ali Omer,Abudeeb Haytham
Acute diverticulitis of the appendix (ADA), though uncommon, often presents similarly to acute appendicitis but carries a higher risk of complications such as perforation and malignancy. We report the case of a male patient in his 50s with acute right iliac fossa abdominal pain, diagnosed via CT scan with ADA. Urgent laparoscopic appendicectomy was performed, and the patient was discharged without further issues. This case highlights the importance of promptly identifying and managing such conditions to minimise complications and improve outcomes. Despite the overlap in symptoms between appendiceal diverticulitis and acute appendicitis, accurate diagnosis is crucial for appropriate treatment. Healthcare providers should maintain a high index of suspicion, particularly in older patients presenting with an acute appendicitis, like clinical picture to ensure timely intervention and optimal patient care.