Mixed burn injury to thigh secondary to D-cell lithium battery explosion


Brennan ChristieORCID,Kay Alan


There is an increasing trend globally of fire incidents as a direct consequence of battery failures[1-6], but a dearth of reporting in medical literature regarding injuries associated with primary lithium cell explosions. We present the case of an electrical engineer referred to the burns team as a chemical burn secondary to a D-cell lithium battery explosion. Initial assessment revealed an entry wound on the anteromedial thigh leaking contaminated fluid. Orthogonal X-rays demonstrated the battery casing lodged within the posterior thigh compartment. The wound was managed similar to that of a ballistic injury with staged debridement, washout and delayed primary closure. This is the first reported case of a lithium-thionyl chloride battery explosion causing injury. The case highlights various issues for attending teams, including appropriate first aid for chemical burns, consideration of significant soft tissue trauma deep to seemingly innocuous wounds and safeguarding concerns surrounding domestic explosive devices.



Reference16 articles.

1. Large increase in lithium battery related fires over the last 6 years | CTIF - International Association of fire services for safer citizens through skilled firefighters. Available: https://www.ctif.org/news/large-increase-lithium-battery-related-fires-over-last-6-years [Accessed 30 Oct 2022].

2. How binned batteries cause fires. Bristol Waste Company. 2022. Available: www.bristolwastecompany.co.uk/battery-fires/#:~:text=Binning%20batteries%20safely%20saves%20lives,-We%20have%20seen%20a%20rise,wrongly%20put%20in%20the%20recycling

3. Warning after batteries spark recycling plant fire | newcastle city council. 2020. Available: www.newcastle.gov.uk/citylife-news/warning-after-batteries-spark-recycling-plant-fire

4. How to prevent an electric-bike fire - consumer reports. 2022. Available: https://www.consumerreports.org/electric-bikes/how-to-prevent-e-bike-fires-a2493889574/ [Accessed 2 Feb 2022].

5. Over 130 E-bike and E-Scooter battery fires in just over a year | evening standard. 2022. Available: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/london-fire-brigade-escooter-ebike-battery-fires-lithiumion-batteries-b990942.html [Accessed 30 Oct 2022].








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