A toddler presented with complaints of multiple episodes of vomiting lasting 1 week. He had a history of similar episodes of vomiting several times as an infant. Clinically, he was underweight and had tachypnoea and tachycardia. Laboratory investigations revealed hyponatraemic metabolic acidosis. His chest radiograph revealed an intrathoracic herniation of the stomach with an atypical presence towards the right hemithorax, suggestive of a torsion. A contrast-enhanced CT of the chest and abdomen confirmed an intrathoracic gastric herniation, with an organo-axial gastric volvulus, with no features of strangulation. He underwent an emergency laparotomy and intraoperatively the stomach was found to have reduced to its intra-abdominal position, and the hernia and volvulus had also self-reduced. In view of the multiple symptomatic episodes, an anterior gastropexy was performed to prevent recurrences. The patient recuperated well and has not had any recurrences in the follow-up period. This report adds to the minimalistic literature.