Sahu Arpit,Bansal Tungish,Borkar Sachin A
We present a rare case of a male child in middle childhood who presented to the emergency department with neck pain, neck deformity, low-grade fever, breathing difficulty and swallowing difficulty. The patient had a significant history of weight loss and loss of appetite. On examination, neurological deficits were observed, including mildly increased tone in bilateral lower limbs, reduced power in both lower limbs, exaggerated knee and ankle jerks, and upgoing plantar reflexes. Radiographs and MRI revealed a kyphotic deformity with apex at the T1 vertebra, lytic lesions in seven contiguous vertebrae and a large prevertebral abscess extending from C2 to T5. The patient underwent a posterior-only surgical approach with decompression, abscess drainage and stabilisation, resulting in successful cord decompression and correction of the kyphotic deformity. At 18 months follow-up, the patient is doing well with improvement to normal neurology and full return of a child to normal activities.