1. Unrecognized atypical tuberous sclerosis diagnosed by computerized tomography;Barry, JR, Harwood-Nash; DC, Fritz; CR, Byrd; S.E.;Neuroradiology,1977
2. Cranial computertomography in children with tuberous sclerosis;Kyhlendahl, H.D.; Gross-Selbeck, G.; Doose, H.; Kling, H.; Jensen, H.P.;Neuropadiatrie,1977
3. Congenital hypothyroidism and Kijnefelter's syndrome Reference 1 Rushton AR, Shaywitz BA. Tuberous sclerosis: possible modification of phenotypic expression by an unlinked dominant gene;J Med Genet,1979
4. The paper by Campbell and Price (JMG;SIR,1979
5. The case histories in the paper do not preclude an acquired autoimmune thyroiditis as a cause of the hypothyroidism with onset in infancy or early childhood. Hashimoto's disease may be present in young patients with lower antibody titres, and therefore low titres do not exclude the diagnosis.3 Case 4 with presentation at the age of 7 years and a bone age of 2 5 years is not 'congenital hypothyroidism'. Consequently, there must be considerable doubt about the validity of the authors'