1. World Health Organization. Ticking timebomb: Without immediate action, health and care workforce gaps in the European Region could spell disaster. 14 Sep 2022. https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/14-09-2022-ticking-timebomb--without-immediate-action--health-and-care-workforce-gaps-in-the-european-region-could-spell-disaster
2. Junior doctors will strike for 96 hours from 11 April
3. Doctors begin two-day strike today. Portugal News 2023 Mar 8. https://www.theportugalnews.com/news/2023-03-08/doctors-begin-two-day-strike-today/75460
4. Budget fails to tackle workforce shortages and NHS funding, say critics
5. Seven days in medicine: 8-14 March 2023;BMJ,2023