BackgroundCardiovascular comorbidities are increasingly being recognised in early stages of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) yet complete cardiorespiratory functional assessments of individuals with mild COPD or presenting with COPD risk factors are lacking. This paper reports on the effectiveness of the cardiocirculatory-limb muscles oxygen delivery and utilisation axis in smokers exhibiting no, or mild to moderate degrees of airflow obstruction using standardised cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET).MethodsPost-bronchodilator spirometry was used to classify participants as ‘ever smokers without’ (n=88), with ‘mild’ (n=63) or ‘mild-moderate’ COPD (n=56). All underwent CPET with continuous concurrent monitoring of oxygen uptake (V’O2) and of bioimpedance cardiac output (Qc) enabling computation of arteriovenous differences (a-vO2). Mean values of Qc and a-vO2were mapped across set ranges of V’O2and Qc isolines to allow for meaningful group comparisons, at same metabolic and circulatory requirements.ResultsPeak exercise capacity was significantly reduced in the ‘mild-moderate COPD’ as compared with the two other groups who showed similar pulmonary function and exercise capacity. Self-reported cardiovascular and skeletal muscle comorbidities were not different between groups, yet disease impact and exercise intolerance scores were three times higher in the ‘mild-moderate COPD’ compared with the other groups. Mapping of exercise Qc and a-vO2also showed a leftward shift of values in this group, indicative of a deficit in peripheral O2extraction even for submaximal exercise demands. Concurrent with lung hyperinflation, a distinctive blunting of exercise stroke volume expansion was also observed in this group.ConclusionContrary to the traditional view that cardiovascular complications were the hallmark of advanced disease, this study of early COPD spectrum showed a reduced exercise O2delivery and utilisation in individuals meeting spirometry criteria for stage II COPD. These findings reinforce the preventive clinical management approach to preserve peripheral muscle circulatory and oxidative capacities.
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa
Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Reseau canadien de recherche respiratoire
Foundation of the McGill University Health Centre