1. from the data in Table 1 that the results in the Clinical trial of a triterpenoid liquorice compound perfusion experiments are explained by assuming in gastric and duodenial ulcer;Lancet
2. It is clear that both models (and a mixture of them) lead to an increased production of young surface mucous cells. Lipkin13 reported a slower turnover of [3H] thymidine incorporated in the ulcer with carbenoxolone sodium and oestrogens;Gut,1965
3. Carbenoxolone pretreatment and the. production of restrained stress induced erosions in guinea pigs;W, Lipkin M.Ludwig,1968
4. This, together with the larger production of new mucosa;Am J Dig Dis,1974
5. Morphological observations on gastric ulcers treated with carbenoxolone sodium;Goodier, T.E.W.; Horwich, L.; Galloway, R.W.;Gut,1967