Analysis of FDA’s Vuse market authorisation: limitations and opportunities


Meshnick Andrew BORCID,Faricy Lauren Elizabeth,Lushniak Boris D


This special communication provides a physicians’ critique of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s decision to authorise the Vuse Solo (Vuse) Premarket Tobacco Application (PMTA). The PMTA authorisation represents the first time that FDA has authorised an Electronic Nicotine Delivery System (ENDS) for marketing in the USA. Using the FDA Decision Summary, the special communication identifies significant unanswered public health and scientific questions that prevent the authors from reaching FDA’s conclusion that Vuse meets the Appropriate for the Protection of the Public Health (APPH) standard. The authors recommend FDA suspend the market authorisation and use these questions to re-evaluate the PMTA, and to prospectively monitor whether Vuse meets APPH standard. The special communication advances the ENDS harm reduction conversation because it calls for national tobacco regulators to develop an epidemiological prediction of ENDS impact on the population and to expand the scope of their analysis to evaluate the impacts of ENDS on congenital birth defects, abuse liability and non-flavour drivers of youth usage. Through learning from the American experience regulating Vuse, national tobacco regulators around the globe will be better equipped to evaluate the impact of ENDS on the public health.




Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Health (social science)

Reference51 articles.

1. Estimation of the global number of e-cigarette users in 2020

2. FDA Office of the Commissioner . FDA permits marketing of e-cigarette products, marking first authorization of its kind by the agency, 2021. Available:

3. In addition to Vuse Solo, RJR markets several additional Vuse products: Alto, Ciro, and Vibe. The discussion in this article is limited to Vuse Solo.

4. Holman MR . Marketing granted orders re FDA submission tracking numbers (STNs): PM0000551, PM0000553, PM0000560 Center for Tobacco Products, U.S. Food and Drug Administration; 2021.

5. RJ Reynolds Vapor . Vuse Solo first to receive US FDA vapor marketing authorization, 2021. Available:







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