1. Duthie, R. B. (1954). J. Path. Bact., 68, 296.
2. McLean, F. C., and Bloom, W. (1940). Anat. Rec.. 78, 333.
3. Veterinary Science;Fronm the Biochemistry Division, Institute of Medical and,OCTOBER
4. The letter by Dr. G. L. Robinson in the British Medical;Journal; encourages us to publish our experience with the turbidimetric method of Parfentjev,1956
5. With the availability of fibrinogen solutions for intravenous administration, the rapid estimation of fibrinogen in plasma, especially in post-partum haemorrhage or conditions associated with fibrinogenopenia, becomes of ever-increasing importance as has also been shown by FitzGerald and Jackson;m, u,1956