1. A simple phenylalanine method for detecting PKU in large populations of newborn infants;Guthrie, R.; Susi, A.;Pediatrics,1963
2. A simple device for the rapid plating of autoclaved blood spots for the Guthrie test;Kennedy, R.;Med. Lab. Technol,1969
3. An enzymatic spectrophotometric method for the determination of phenylalanine in blood;La Du, B.N.; Michael, P.J.;J. Lab. clin. Med,1960
4. The technology of a regional Guthrie test service;Newman, R.L.; Starr, D.J.T.;J. clin. Path,1971
5. described the arrangement of the cells of the reticular tissue throughout the body using silver impregnation methods based on those of Rio-Hortega. The method he used for the demonstration of metallophilic cells in frozen or paraffin wax-embedded sections is a simple one and is based on the Weil-Davenport modification (Weil and Davenport, 1933; Weil, 1946) of Stern's method,1956