Role of the pre-hospital treatment team on the UK military exercise SAIF SAREEA 3


Harper Peter Nicholas,Taylor N,Royal P,Smith MB


The prehospital treatment team (PHTT) involves a small team working under the clinical supervision of a clinical lead. The clinical lead can be a general duties medical officer (Post Foundation Years Doctor), military nurse practitioner or more senior clinician. The team is mounted in vehicles appropriate to the environment they expect to operate in. A PHTT is closely located to the front line reducing transportation timelines from the point of wounding to more definitive care. The PHTT can provide medical support on the move or when time is available; a more permanent fully erected treatment facility can be established. Either configuration can provide both trauma and primary care. The size of the team allows for multiple trauma subteams enabling care to casualties that arrive simultaneously. The PHTT can move independently which could leave the team vulnerable as there is no integral force protection within the current structure. In such a small team, the right balance of medical and soldiering skills among team members is essential to success. Exercise SAIF SAREEA 3 represented a large-scale battlegroup exercise to the Middle East in the austere desert of Oman. This provided an ideal environment for employing the PHTT concept is a large deployed force undertaking dynamic activity.




General Medicine

Reference15 articles.

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