1. It is likely that vagal reflexes, initiated by glos-1 Garretson HD, Elvidge AR. Glossopharyngeal neusopharyngeal neuralgia, are involved in the arrhythralgia with asystole and seizures. Arch Neurol mias most commonly found in this syndrome, that is, sinus arrest, sinus bradycardia, and wandering atrial pacemaker.6 Hypersensitivity of the carotid sinus is not a factor in glossopharyngeal neuralgia because massage ofthe sinuses does not reproduce the typical cardiovascular signs.`2 The paroxysms of pain are triggered by swallowing, particularly,1963
2. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia associated with bradycardia, syncope and seizures;Kong, Y.; Heyman, A.; Entman, M.L.;Circulation,1964
3. Cerebello-pontine tumor diagnosed for six years as tic douleureux; the symptoms of irritation of the ninth and twelfth cranial nerves;Weisenburg, T.H.;JAMA
4. or acid foods2 6 and by mechanical stimulation;bitter;Trans Am Neurol Assoc; Glosof the tonsillar fossa on the affected side (trigger sopharyngeal neuralgia initiating or associated with zone). Treatment aims at abolishing dysphagia and the ensuing bradycardia-syncope reflex. Atropine and isoprenaline, together with a temporary pacemaker, are used as emergency measures, but are not suitable for long term treatment because they do not relieve the neuralgia. Local anaesthesia of the pharynx and cardiac arrest,1942
5. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia and ossification of the stylohyoid ligament;Graf, C.J.;JNeurosurg,1959