1. This patient was born in January 1978, the result of,1976
2. Sur une nouvelle technique d'analyse du caryotype humain. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des;Dutrillaux, B.; Lejeune, J.;Sciences,1971
3. the birth in 1975 of a female who, at the age of 3 years, is of normal appearance and development. The mother is now pregnant for the fourth time. In the pregnancy leading to the birth of our;patient, German; J.; Vesell, M.;Annales de Genetique; Testicular feminization in amniocentesis was performed without complication monozygotic twins with 47 chromosomes (XXY,1966
4. Sex chromosome mosaicism in the testicular syndrome. A normal male fetal karyotype was feminization syndrome;E, L.;Obstetrics and Gynecology; reported. There is no other known family history of,1969
5. Locus on human X chromosome for dihydrotestosterone birth defect. There was no history of infection or exposure to drugs, and spontaneous vertex delivery receptor and androgen insensitivity. Proceedings of the of a male infant weighing 3-5 kg occurred at 41 weeks;Meyer, W.J.; Migeon, B.R.; Migeon, C.J.,1975