1. The high blood oxygen content, as opposed to the percentage saturation, that was found in the first few days of life when the haemoglobin was high, is worthy of note. In a number of cases it was over 25 vol. %. With oxygen administration and a high haemoglobin it would not be difficult to reach figures over
2. Arthurton, M., O'Brien, D. and Mann, T. (1954). Archives of Disease in Childhood, 29, 38.
3. Graham, B. D., Reardon, H. S., Wilson, J. L., Tsao, M. U. and Baumann, M. L. (1950). Pediatrics, 6, 55.
4. Hufner, G. (1894). Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Lpz.), [Physiol. Abt.], p. 130.
5. Hultgren, H. N. and Hackett, A. J. (1950). Pediatrics, 6, 93.