1. The battle to retain GPs: why practice culture is critical
2. Royal College of General Practitioners. Fit for the future: retaining the GP workforce. September 2022. www.rcgp.org.uk/getmedia/155e72a9-47b9-4fdd-a322-efc7d2c1deb4/retaining-gp-workforce-report.pdf.
3. Wass VJ, Gregory S, Petty-Saphon K. By choice—not by chance: supporting medical students towards future careers in general practice. NHS Health Education England, Medical Schools Council. 2016. www.medschools.ac.uk/media/2881/by-choice-not-by-chance.pdf
4. The Wass report: moving forward 3 years on
5. The Medical Licensing Assessment and the therapeutic illusion