1. We were interested in the papers by Wilson, Forfar, and Godman1 and by Morrell et al.2 because in 1974 we published a case of transplacental lithium poisoning3 that was diagnosed antenatally by noting an irregular and often slow fetal heart. In that paper we made two points which are worth repeating because of the current interest in this subject;Sir
2. Measure height on two occasions
3. Plot the rate of growth (cm/year) against the age of the child midway between the two measurements. e g Heights measured at ages 4 and 6 show a difference of 12 cm. Rate is 6 cnl year which should be plotted
4. Seek advice for rates falling outside the hatched;area. Wilson N; JC, Forfar; MJ, Godman;Arch Dis Child; Atrial flutter in the newborn resulting from maternal lithium ingestion,1983
5. Lithium toxicity in a neonate;Morrell, P.; Sutherland, G.R.; Buamah, P.K.; Oo, M.; Bain, H.H.;Arch Dis Child,1983