1. Outcome of asthma In January 1986 he returned to the chemical complex. He induced by isocyanates;Lozewicz, S.; Assoufi, B.K.; Hawkins, R.;Br J Dis Chest; was well until April 1986, when he developed cough, sputum production, and chest tightness, beginning in the early evening, resolving spontaneously, and recurring early the following morning. These complaints worsened on days when toluene diisocyanate fumes were noticeable. In time these symptoms occurred during the work day. He stopped working in April 1987 and has not had further asthma or required additional bronchodilator treatment. When we re,1987
2. Follow-up study of patients with respiratory disease due to toluene diisocyanate (TDI);true;Clin Allergy,1984
3. Long-term follow-up of workers with TDI asthma [abstract);Moller, D.R.; McKay, R.T.; Bernstein, I.L.;Am Rev Respir Dis,1984
4. Development and loss of toluene diisocyanate reactivity: immunologic, pharmacologic, and provocative challenge studies;Butcher, B.T.; O'Neil, C.E.; Reed, M.A.,1982
5. Inhalation challenge and pharmacologic studies of toluene diisocyanate (TDI)-sensitive workers;Butcher, B.T.; Karr, R.M.; O'Neil, C.E.;JAllergy Clin Immunol,1979