1. Over 50 cough syrup manufacturers in India fail quality test. Times of India 2023 Dec. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/over-50-cough-syrup-manufacturers-in-india-fail-quality-tests-government-report/articleshow/105722044.cms?from=mdr
2. WHO investigates cough syrups after deaths of 66 children in Gambia
3. World Health Organization. Medical product alert no 6/2022: substandard (contaminated) paediatric medicines. 5 Oct 2022. https://www.who.int/news/item/05-10-2022-medical-product-alert-n-6-2022-substandard-(contaminated)-paediatric-medicines
4. Government of India, Directorate General of Foreign Trade. Amendment in export policy of cough syrup. 22 May 2023. https://content.dgft.gov.in/Website/dgftprod/ccc84ba9-65d3-475b-b636-16d449beb99f/Notification%20%20No%2006%20-%20English.pdf
5. Reddy P Thakur D . Truth pill: the myth of drug regulation in India. Simon & Schuster India, 2022.