1. LORENZ, W. F. (1940), Amer. J. Clin. Path., 10, 527.
2. It is dismissed, for example, by Kolle and Hetsch,1934
3. as " of no value for diagnosis, for the methods at present in use do not give sufficiently reliable results." On the other hand Price,1933
4. introduced an antigen of a new type. This was intended primarily for use as a therapeutic vaccine. It is described as a "soluble gonotoxin" containing no killed or living gonococcal bodies, but only the " ectoand endo-toxins," and is apparently the fluid obtained by centrifuging a broth culture (the composition of this medium is not stated) in which gonococci have been grown to exhaustion, i.e., in effect a gonococcal " antivirus." This preparation was marketed in Germany under the name of " Compligon " and used as an antigen in gonococcal complement fixation tests. As such it has been the subject of favourable reports;Wolffenstein; Pieper,1931
5. Poehlmann, I935.)