1. Reports 13 cases, four meni, nine women. Average age of onset 58 years. Fluctuations in visual acuity-usually worse in the morning-but generally slow progress of lesion. Diminution in corneal sensibility noted. The condition is frequently associated with glaucoma but is not glaucomatous. Usually bilateral but occasionally it is unilateral. Histological examination of tissue removed with a trephine shows new formed connective tissue between Bowman's membrane and the epithelium;Ophthal., Fuchs Dystrophia Epithelialis Corneae Archf; Vol;LXXVI,1910
2. Kasuistiscber Beitrag zu der " Dystrophia Epithelialis Corneae nach Fuchs.";Knapp, Paul;Arch. f. Ohthal., Vol. LXXVIII; Reports one case,1911
3. Reports one case;Troncosco. Epithelial Dystrophy of the Cornea. Amer. Ji. Ophthal., Vol XXI,1912
4. Reports one case;Rec., Reese Dystrophia Epithelialis Corneae Ophthal; Vol;Arch. of Ophthal., Vol. XLIII,1913
5. Reports one case complicated by diabetes;Hosfi., Whitham Dystrophia Epithelialis Corneae Bull Johns Hopkins; Vol,1914